Jenny Anderson Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in Sudbury
near Ipswich and Colchester

Qualifications. bacclogoold

Jenny Anderson is a licenced and professionally trained Acupuncturist, having gained a BSc (hons) degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as well as a further Diploma in Tuina Massage.

She is also a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). This is the largest regulatory body for Acupuncture in the UK . All members have completed a degree level professional training and can assure the public of safe and professional practice, in line with NHS standards. See the BAcC at

Jenny is also a Health Professions Council (HPC) registered Radiographer with over 20 years of experience working in healthcare.

"Working with patients as a radiographer made me realise I wanted to treat people and get them better. Knowing which therapy it was going to be took some time to work out, but after learning about Chinese Medicine it was easy! The foundations of Chinese Medicine are firmly based in nature and 'resonate' with my love of our natural environment."

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